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Here's how to prepare for the perfect medical storm

Here's how to prepare for the perfect medical storm

Alec Deacon,

If the virus doesn't get us,
the doctor shortage will!

No physicians, no nurses, no hospitals, no ICU beds, no ventilators,
no essential drugs, and little hope for millions of sick Americans.

On this page:
  • Healthcare Paralysis: why US hospitals are about to be crippled by the exploding pandemic
  • No doctors: Why it will be virtually impossible to find a doctor or a hospital bed in the US
  • Medical Crisis Survival: 3 steps to take right now to protect your life in the medical crisis of the century
Here's how to prepare for the perfect medical storm

I won't go gently into that good night!

Not if I have something to say about it.
And I won't stand anyone that says that I need to lay down and die. I think it's beyond stupid-it's downright criminal to minimize the deadly threat to our country's seniors. But the world is filled with these idiots these days.
There is one thing that the dumb dumbs did get right:
Yes, the coronavirus does have flu-like symptoms. Yes, older folks like me are at risk. And yes, it's estimated that 1% of those infected will die (although some experts argue the number is as high as 3.4%).
What are these "geniuses" forgetting to mention? Oh, just the fact that if you're over 60, your odds of dying are 3.6%. It gets much worse for those over 70-at 8% case fatality rate... and insane for people over 80 - a whopping 14.8% CFR!
But there's something even worse about the coronavirus epidemic. Sure, 1 in 100 does feel like Russian Roulette, but these are still good odds. But what happens when people stop getting medical attention...

... because hospitals have collapsed under the crippling load?

How will you take care of your own health when there is no doctor around... and when hospitals are overflowing with pneumonia cases?
I know that I'm treating this as THE most important event in my whole life. My grandpa fought in WW1 and helped with the war effort for WW2. I believe this is our WW3 and we need to prepare for it like our very lives depend on it-even now in the 12thhour.
This is why I've created this page. On it I will explain:
  • Why this is not a drill... and in fact we're in the middle of one of the most severe health crises since the Spanish Flu
  • why the American healthcare system simply can't handle the load
  • and why, because of this, it will be really hard to find a doctor or a nurse to take care of you, should you needed
But luckily there is a medical solution for people like us - a simple way to become more "medically self reliant", at least until hospitals can catch a breath.
If you're over 50, I urge you to stop whatever you're doing and read this now. Your very life, and the lives of your family members depend on it.
But first, you'll probably want to know...

... who I am and why you should listen to what I have to say:

Like I said, my name is Alec Deacon. I am the publisher of of the leading survival websites on the Internet. Odds are, you don't know me. Most people don't. In good times, people hate us for "being wrong" and for somehow "spreading fear". In bad times like these, we are hated for being right. You can't win with these guys.
I've heard it all-that I'm a conspiracy theorist, a tinfoil hat, a crazy prepper - you name it. To say that this name calling didn't hurt would be a lie. At times, I was questioning my mission. What am I doing here? For what? Who am I trying to help? Do people really want to hear our warnings, or am I wasting my time?
But over time, I learned to stop paying attention to the morons. And I realized that we were not alone. When we published Backyard Liberty and showed people how to prepare for a food crisis, more than 140.000 Americans heeded our calls. Even more were interested in our EMP preparedness course.
Our mission is to make every American household more self reliant. It's a tall order. But I our message is more important now than it ever was. That is-that you need to learn how to become medically self reliant-and do it fast!

By the end of the year, up to 228 million Americans
might get infected with COVID-19

I know it sounds like a lot. It's not-in fact, it happened before, and not just once. In 2009, 59 million Americans got the H1N1 virus (aka the swine flu). Up to 45 million Americans get simple flu every year. And back in 1918, when the US population was a bit over 100 million people, close of 1 in 3 American men, women and children got the virus.
Why am I telling you all this? Because it's important to realize that saying that "the coronavirus is like the flu" is like saying that Hurricane Katrina was "just a storm". Understatement of the century. Because the coronavirus is twice as viral as the flu.
A single person infected with the novel coronavirus will, in turn, infect 2 to 3 other people on average. Some experts say it could be even more. By comparison, the number for flu is just 1.3. This means that it takes very little for the new virus to spread-it's been estimated that infections double every 4 to 6 days.

What should you have on hand, in case of pneumonia?

Try to have some Cipro around the house. For kids, Bactrim or Suprax suspension will help, or Avelox.
For asthma and breathing problems, see if you can get your hands on prednisone taper, Albuterol, or Primatene Mist.
For shortness of breath or chest pain, stock up on nitroglycerin 0.4 mg tablets, as well as anticoagulants.
If you got Chron's disease, get prednosine taper. For other gastrointestinal problems, make sure you have plenty of fiver laxative, Prilosec or Kaopectate.
For non-infectious Diarrhea, Imodium-AD will help. In case of a urinary tract infection, make sure you have Bactrim or Macrobid.
Other things you MUST have in your stockpile include: aspirin as a blood thinner; atherosclerosis medication, like Mevacor or Zocor; Coumadin as a blood thinner for stroke; Aleve for arthritis; Zantac for heart burn; Lisinopril or Tenormin for high blood pressure.
And in general, you should make sure you can get your hands on...
  • Fiber laxative
  • Aspirin as a blood thinner
  • Atherosclerosis medication. Mevacor (lovastatin); Zocor (simvastatin)
  • Blood thinners for stroke Coumadin (warfarin)
  • Medications for arthritis Aleve (naproxen)
  • Heart burn medications. Zantac (ranitidine).
  • High blood pressure medication. (Lisinopril); Tenormin (atenolol).
He told me exactly what medicine to stockpile for: cold and flu, allergies or pain. For breathing problems, gastrointestinal issues, or skin conditions. What antibiotics to get, what birth control to take; and if you have kids or grandkids, 6 drugs you absolutely need to have in your cabinet. Too many things to mention here-but I'll show you how you can get all of the exact same information.
And as I was talking to the doctor, I realized I had stumbled on a treasure trove. I felt like a kid in a candy store. Or better: like a starving survivor in a zombie apocalypse, who just discovered a hidden stockpile.

So I knew I had to persuade Dr. Scurtu
to share his wisdom with our community

Extracting practical wisdom from survival experts was, after all, our specialty.
But the good Dr. wasn't interested. He liked his privacy. He didn't like fame of any kind. And for sure he didn't want any of the negative attention that tends to come with being any kind of survival expert.
It wasn't about the money. The French healthcare system pays doctors handsomely. But I was determined to win this one-because I knew this wasn't about our egos. There was much more at stake-the lives of thousands of Americans who would be left helpless in a medical crisis.
After a lot of cajoling and maybe a little bit of emotional blackmail, I succeeded. And boy oh boy did we deliver.
We interviewed the doctor for two weeks straight. What's more...

... I was too paranoid to let the good doctor write it all by himself

Truth is, as much as I loved his expertise, I was afraid we will end up with a course written for other doctors. Too often, experts suffer from the "curse of knowledge". They know the stuff so well, that they forget what it was like to not know. So they tend to give really complicated explanations that no one really understands.
But that was fine. I knew NOTHING about how to be your own doctor in a crisis. So I asked all the dumb questions (so you won't have to). When I didn't understand something, I asked the doc to rephrase it in plain English. And when we put it all together, it turned out to be the most practical course on medical preparedness you'll ever find. We called it Survival MD-What to Do When There's No Doctor

Survival MD
"This book is a must-read for disaster preparedness. It is clearly written, easy to understand, and extremely informative. I highly recommend Survival MD!" - Zabian Crosby
"I think that everyone in the U.S. should have this manual. Could save your life!" - Mike Kirsch
Review of purchase Person
Rave Reviews for Survival MD:
"I've found your book to be very informative and especially appreciate the lists of supplies suggested." - Tammie Barletta
"SurvivalMD is easy to understand and uses items you should have available. Also contains good ideas on what you need to stock up on." - Sarah
Very detailed but easy to understand. The way it is shown and explained it makes my comfort level very high in performing what is necessary to address various situations." "- Rusty Coleman
Survival MD has one purpose, and one purpose only: to keep you and your loved ones alive until a qualified specialist can see you. And in order to do this, we pulled out all the stops.
Here's a glimpse of what you'll find inside:
  • Got asthma or COPD? Dr. Scurtu will show you how people with respiratory disease need to prepare (one of the things you absolutely need around the house is an oxymeter. And 4 other things you need to order online right away)
  • Planning for long term medical survival? Take care of this first-even if there's nothing wrong with your health (NASA does it to all their astronauts)
  • 4 items to stockpile (not medicine!) for someone who is wheelchair bound. Plus: what you should do if your MS is exacerbated and there's no doctor.
  • What if you have cardiovascular disease, or peripheral vascular disease? And the dangerous warning signal that comes from your toes.
  • The two fruits people with kidney failure must absolutely avoid... at least until a dialysis machine is available. Page 29
  • Rub clove oil on a sore tooth for relief...

  • ... and 7 other things you can do to prevent getting a deadly infection, when there's no dentist;
  • What to do when there are no antibiotics available. Yes, veterinary antibiotics can help-but how do you know the right dosage? Page 44
  • Why Augmentin may be the best antibiotic to stockpile (if you can still find it). And 6 other antibiotics that may save your life from a deadly infection (#2 is the best for pneumonia)
  • Does your medical go-bag have a fully stocked "hygiene kit"? 19 things you should hoard. Page 55.
  • How to make your own toilet paper using, if you run out. (this recipe uses baby oil or lotion-and will give you a good alternative when panic buying emptied all store shelves)
  • How to build the ultimate medical go-bag...

  • This includes cheap alternatives if stores and pharmacies run out of the essentials. Plus: 8 medical instruments you didn't know you needed (but surgeons keep them in their homes for an emergency). Also included: 9 things to stockpile in your bug out vehicle
  • Simple and effective first aid techniques you need to learn now (including how to treat a bullet wound). This might come in handy if there's an economic collapse and mass social breakdown. Page 81.
  • What to do if garbage disposal services stop working. Full list of supplies you need for emergency sanitation. And how to deal with human waste so that it doesn't become a hazard. Page 84.
  • Quick recipe for home-made hand sanitizer:

  •  Did you know you can make your own hand sanitizer that doesn't dry your hands, AND costs a lot less than the price-gouged versions you can find in stores? It's easy: all you need is some aloe vera gel and 99% isopropyl alcohol. You can still buy both online, in bulk. Take 1 part aloe vera gel and mix it thoroughly with 2 parts alcohol and you're set-for a fraction of what you'd have paid even before the pandemic!
  • 4 essential medical skills for the lay person. You'll learn how to treat mild to moderate burns; how to straighten and splint fractures; how to stop moderate bleeding; and how to take care of complex lacerations.
  • The right (and simple) way to give CPR. It's an easy but effective system called CAB, that stands for Circulation, Airway and Breathing. You'll also learn basic life support-like rescue breathing, chest compressions and basic first aid (you won't be able to give advanced life support... but basic life support might save a life)
  • How to know within minutes whether your patient is in severe condition or it's only something mild using the Glasgow coma score
  • BONUS #1: "The doctor's best practices for preventing a coronavirus infection

  • The doctor's best practices for preventing a coronavirus infection

    BONUS #2: "How to survive isolation and quarantine".

  • How to survive isolation and quarantine".

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